Read our Annual Report

2023/24 The Tapscott Learning Trust Annual Report TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 1 30/01/2025 18:33

02 Our Vision We empower our children through education, supporting healthy lifestyles and creating joyful learning environments to set them on the path to happy, successful lives. We work in partnership towards our vision, values and aims and support schools to develop their unique characteristics and adaptations so they can meet the needs of their communities. We also work in partnership with other schools and organisations to impact on the development of the wider education sector. Our Values Whole Child Education: We believe in education that encompasses not only academic excellence but also promotes physical, emotional, and social well-being Love of Learning: We create environments and opportunities that inspire engagement, excitement and a love of learning for our children, teams and communities Health: We prioritise the health and well-being of our children, teams and communities, recognising the link between this and our success in all areas Inclusivity: We embrace diversity and create an inclusive community where everyone is valued, respected, and supported Working Together: We know the power of working in partnership to achieve the best outcomes for all children Our Aims 4 Make certain that all children are the cornerstone of our Trust and have an effective voice 4 Ensure safeguarding is paramount and consistently applied in all schools and settings 4 Promote and celebrate equality, diversity and inclusivity for all 4 Guarantee that our schools offer a broad and balanced curriculum, allowing our children to access opportunities and experiences 4 Invest in our people so they are successful and deliver the best education for our children 4 Through education, support healthy lifestyles and create joyful learning environments to set all children on the path to happy and successful lives 4 Form a platform for other schools and organisations with similar visions and values to join us for the mutual improvement of education 4 Work in partnership with other schools, Trusts and organisations as part of our wider commitment to the development of the education sector 4 Ensure that the Trust is wholly self-sufficient and operationally secure: with a communityled focus, local accessibility and transparency 4 Ensure effective governance at all levels offering excellent challenge and strategic support OUR VISION, VALUE AND AIMS TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 2 30/01/2025 18:33

JOINT WELCOME FROM OUR CEO AND CHAIR OF TRUSTEES 03 Welcome to our 7th annual stakeholder report which will give you an overview of some of the things that have been achieved within the Trust and its schools over the last year. 2023-24 was another incredibly successful year for our Trust in many ways. Amongst our many successes, we were delighted to be awarded Beacon Well Trust status as part of the work that we do with the Youth Sport Trust. At the start of the year the Trust Board appointed a new Chair of Trustees, Paula Jeffers. Before taking on the role of Chair, Paula had been a Trustee for a number of years and also a LAB member at Curwen Primary School and so came to the role deeply embedded in the Trust community. She also brings to the role many years of business experience in the financial services sector as well as a passion for education. Paula is a very active Trustee, regularly visiting all of our schools and experiencing at first hand all the great activities that take place. We continue to work in partnership with many organisations and our Training and Sports Hubs provide essential support within the Trust as well as to other schools both locally and nationally. We also carried on our work with local and national government to develop programmes to enhance opportunities within all schools. We developed our Vision, Values and Aims which we believe is necessary to every developing organisation. Outcomes for our children continue to be strong across our schools, not only academically but socially and emotionally and in health and wellbeing and we are very proud of the work that all our schools have done in SEN and inclusion which was highlighted by all of them receiving excellent reports and awards from IQM (Inclusion Quality Marks). We are grateful to have been supported by a dedicated team of Trustees, School Governors and Members who give their time and energy for free, working to constantly challenge and support us and we were delighted that an external review found governance within the Trust to be strong. We would particuarly like to take this opportunity to thank all TTLT staff, both in the central office and within each of the schools, for their amazing work over the year. Our Trust would not be the organisation it is without them! With very best wishes, Paul Harris CEO Paula Jeffers CHAIR OF TRUSTEES ALL Schools provide breakfast clubs and after school provision Languages spoken 79 2,532 347 pupils members of staff 4 Schools staff retention rate 95% Exclusions 0 TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 3 30/01/2025 18:33

Our Members oversee the work of the Board of Trustees to ensure that we are delivering and adhering to our agreed mission, vision and aims. Our Trustees are responsible for the strategic leadership of the Trust, ensuring that it adheres to our agreed mission, vision and aims as well as being accountable for driving educational standards and financial good health. Our Local Advisory Boards (LABS) oversee the running of their school in terms of the curriculum, safeguarding and the budget, ensuring that the school’s leadership team is held to account for academic performance, high quality education, and quality of care. GOVERNANCE 04 Pupil Parliament Strategic Leadership Team CEO Curwen Local Advisory Board Head Teachers’ Group Audit & Risk Kensington Local Advisory Board Senior Operations Team Finance, Operations & Resource Board of Trustees Members Ranelagh Local Advisory Board North Beckton Local Advisory Board Safeguarding, Standards & Curriculum In 2023/24 the Board appointed a new Chair of Trustees; Ms. Paula Jeffers. Paula has been a Trustee and also a LAB member at Curwen for some years and had served as Vice Chair to the Board during the previous year. She also sits on the Trust’s Audit & Risk and Remunerations Committees and is the link trustee for Whistleblowing. Paula Jeffers CHAIR OF TRUSTEES Governance positions filled Number of Governors, Trustees and Members Meetings held this year Training sessions held Meeting attendance LABS New to TTLT Governance Inductions Meeting attendance Trust Board 99% 50 37 10 86% 7 86% We were delighted with the outcome of the External Review of Governance. Whilst we continually strive to ensure that the governance of the Trust is robust, it was a real testament to everybody’s hard work , dedication, care and commitment to have this confirmed in an in depth external review. TRUSTEE TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 4 30/01/2025 18:33

EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION TTLT is committed to meeting the needs of everyone within the Trust and ensuring that everyone is given opportunities to achieve their full potential. Our schools hold a variety of inclusion quality marks and awards and TTLT provides regular training for staff including the Autism Education Trust Work-based CPD and Team Teach courses which are nationally recognised and supported by the Department of Education. The schools within the Trust receive support with SEND from a central team and through participation in peer support meetings. During the Spring Term of 2023, the Trust commissioned an EDI staff survey with a follow-up minisurvey in the Spring term of 2024. The results were used to determine the focus of the work to be done during the next and future years. Helen Harris EQUALITY, DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION OFFICER Soofia Amin Multilingualism We value our pupils’ backgrounds and cultural heritage, while fostering their identity and the rich linguistic repertoire they bring with them. We believe that multilingualism is a strength and hope that all pupils will benefit from first languages in our setting. We want all pupils to feel valued regardless of their starting points and learn in an asset based approach to languages. 05 National Data 2024 TTLT Mainstream Primary Schools 2024 EHCP 4.8% 5.57% SENS 13.4% 11.11% Total SEN 18.4% 16.68% of children with a EHCP 5.57% of children receiving SEN Support 11.11% of staff believe the workplace is accessible 93% of children with SEND 16.68% TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 5 30/01/2025 18:33

06 RE, RSHE AND PSHE Claire Clinton is the Director of Religious Education (RE) for Newham schools, running the Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education (SACRE). She is also Director of PSHE at TTLT for Newham schools and works with a team of specialist advisors to deliver this support to schools. 100% of teachers attending network meetings said they were excellent Everything today about the conference was wonderful . I will be taking the ideas back to school to use in our meetings Religious Education Support School Council Network Primary Network meetings included training on: teaching about nonreligious beliefs: Humanism; Ofsted Report on RE; Thinking skills in RE. Secondary network meetings included masterclasses on: Muslim hermeneutics; Teaching ethics in RE; Humanism and secular worldviews in RE Collective worship course Termly tours of places of worship for teachers New to leading in RE course ECT training in RE Published ‘challenging religious and non-religious stereotypes’ toolkit and films for schools nationally - free of charge. “This day has made me more excited to teach RE and share with staff all that I have learnt from this insightful day. I have cleared a lot of misconceptions I had about some religions.” 288 children attended school council conferences where they learnt about planning events at their schools, their emotions and helped the Public Health team think about being health champions. 149 children attended Primary interfaith RE conferences; 60 pupils attended Secondary interfaith RE project 27 Teachers 22 Primary Schools (35%) 5 Secondary Schools (30%) 100% of teachers attending network meetings said they were very good or excellent RSHE Training included: Equality - what this means in schools; knife crime prevention; testicular cancer early prevention; character strengths; dealing with sensitive issues. In RSHE we led for schools a borough wide consultation on RSHE and published results to schools. “Thank you very much for this session today, as always very informative and useful” 9 10 196 299 39 52 Secondary Schools (55%) Secondary Schools (60%) teachers received training teachers Primary Schools (62%) Primary Schools (83%) TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 6 30/01/2025 18:33

A place everyone loves to be AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS HIGHLIGHTS New Head of School appointed Summer 2024 Attendance is above National Multilingualism work with external partners BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Kensington House refurbishment Soft Play Room Sensory Room Small Playground - sports pitch and climbing frame FUNDRAISING London’s Air Ambulance Children in Need Cancer Research Comic Relief Red Nose Day TTLT WRAP AROUND CARE Breakfast Club 7:30-8:30am 40 after school clubs Daily 6 O Clock Club EXTERNAL SUCCESSES TTLT Primary Panathlon Winners TTLT Panathlon Swimming Gala Runners Up Winners of TTLT Competitions in Girls Tag Rugby, Premier League Stars, Boys Football and Girls Baseball OUR BROAD AND BALANCED CURRICULUM Educational Visits linked to learning Residential Visits for Years 3,4,5,6 Emotional Health Curriculum - emotion coaching and self regulation Communication Curriculum - parent performances linked to multilingualism OUR WELL SCHOOLS PROGRAMME Emotional Health Programme ‘Work Out Wednesdays’ Intra Sports Week - 3 times a year Active Learning Breaks throughout the day 3 half hour fitness and 1 hour skills for life sessions per week per class Kensington Primary School, Kensington Avenue, Manor Park, London, E12 6NN of children say they are now fitter, faster and and stronger 86% of parents say their child is happy at school 91% of staff would recommend a friend for a job 87% Executive Head Teacher Ben Levinson OBE Head of School Moji Omole 07 “Pupils’ personal development is threaded throughout the curriculum“ School Games Platinum Language Friendly School (First School in England) IQM Flagship Status Youth Sport Trust Gold Newham School of Sanctuary TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 7 30/01/2025 18:33

The Tapscott Training Hub is here for our community of children and staff across the Trust and also for the external partners that we work with both within our borough and wider afield. We strive to support and develop our workforce, equipping them with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide a high-quality education for all our children. We believe in continual reflection of current practice, as well as reviewing research and adapting our approach to being key principles built into each programme. Our Training Hub continues to work alongside the Local Teaching School Hub London District East, leading and delivering key programmes for the ECF framework and NPQ. This year we have also been awarded accreditation for our Cover Supervisor Course through the CPD service and have been successful within our QA moderation for our ECT coaching and mentoring programme. ‘N’ spoke with enthusiasm about her experience at Ranelagh. She emphasised the support received from her colleagues, the attention to her wellbeing and the impact this has had on her practice. 08 TRAINING HUB 49%Internal 51%External Total Training Sessions 121 Total Staff Trained 714 North Beckton has robust structures in place to support and monitor the progress of ECTs. Laura and Sophie presented a range of strong evidence to demonstrate how ECTs are supported, monitored and assessed at the school Daniel Mansfield DIRECTOR TRAINING HUB Train Tapscott Tapscott Learning Trust The Tapscott Learning Trust Additional ECT support through dedicated TTLT sessions Further Development of Teaching and Learning Programme Access to various network groups A dedicated learning walk programme ranging across the year and for various subjects Level 1 and 2 Team Teach Behaviour De-escalation training Level 1 and 2 AET (Autism Education Trust) Training Apprenticeship Teacher Training Dedicated EAL/ Multilingualism Support Access to our R.E Hub Cover Supervisor Development Programme Minibus Driver Training Programmes offered: Training Hub Delivers BIG The Training Hub has been supporting the Sigma Trust in a range of areas. The Training Hub carried out a full inset day for the academy staff who travelled down from Essex. This consisted of 70 staff including teachers, senior leaders and head teachers, The inset covered various areas of work from culture and leadership, adaptive practice etc. The day was highly successful and this is thanks to the support from all TTLT schools involved and those people delivering school based sessions. This shows the strength and community amongst our Trust. Some comments we received included “Loved your friendly school and staff” and “it’s really good to have been given a bank of ideas to adapt for my own teaching” TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 8 30/01/2025 18:33

AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS Ranelagh Primary School, Corporation Street, Stratford, London, E15 3DN Be the best you can be Retaining our IQM Flagship Status Significantly above national in KS2 statutory tests Recognised by the Local Authority resulting in a successful bid to extend our Resource Provision in 2025 HIGHLIGHTS 09 TTLT WRAP AROUND CARE Breakfast Club 7:30-8:40 am Napier Lodge Extended School 3-6pm Wrap around care: at Napier Lodge 7.30am - 6pm 49 after school clubs EXTERNAL SUCCESSES Festival of Voices at Hackney Empire BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS New pipework installed Playground KS2 Improvements FUNDRAISING London’s Air Ambulance Children in Need Comic Relief Red Nose Day Macmillan Cancer Support OUR BROAD AND BALANCED CURRICULUM Much of our learning is done outside Huge advocates of Forest School learning All subjects taught with a transdisciplinary approach A carefully thought-out curriculum with end of year standards which the children need to reach on their educational journey OUR WELL SCHOOLS PROGRAMME Mental and physical healthiness are part of the Roots of Ranelagh, running throughout the school Basketball-Maths Adverb-Rugby For those children who find learning tricky, the environment is changed to support their style including Football Focus where children learn Maths and English whilst kicking a ball and scoring goals of parents say their child is happy at school 98% Executive Head Teacher Shella Lawrenson Head of School Leigh Welburn School Games Platinum Primary Geography Quality Mark Healthy Schools Bronze Youth Sport Trust Gold “Parents and carers speak highly of the school’s ability to involve them in many activities, as well as in keeping their children safe and happy“ of staff say that they are proud to work at Ranelagh 82% of children say they enjoy school 92% IQM Flagship Status TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 9 30/01/2025 18:33

10 TTLT ANNUAL AWARDS On 30th June 2023 our annual awards ceremony was streamed simultaneously to all classrooms, nominees, parents and specially invited guests and was a great celebration of another successful year. As always, we would like to thank our wonderful sponsors and particularly, W. Hardy Limited who were major contributors of the event. SCAN to watch our awards video TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 10 30/01/2025 18:33

11 Outstanding Contribution to School Life KS2 Laiba Haider, Curwen Primary Outstanding Contribution to School Life KS1 Lydia Scott, Ranelagh Primary Creativity Award Arifa Islam, North Beckton Primary Young Achiever Award Joint Winners Izyan Chowdhury, North Beckton Primary and Mateo Stoica, Rebecca Cheetham Nursery Outstanding Educational Achievement KS2 Anna Kibone, Kensington Primary Outstanding Educational Achievement KS1 Zayaan Tariq, Ranelagh Primary Outstanding Educational Achievement EYFS Asma Zoya Bawazeer, Rebecca Cheetham Nursery Sports Award Kristin Mustakerska. North Beckton Primary Unsung Hero Award Helen Lam, Chair of Governors at Curwen Primary and Rebecca Cheetham Nursery Lifetime Achievement Award Maureen Meeking, Rebecca Cheetham Nursery Staff Member who Most Enhances School Life Lepa Rahman, Ranelagh Primary External Provider Award Joint Winners Peter Moreton, Applecart and Jeremy Fallows, Aviva Investment TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 11 30/01/2025 18:33

ESTATES AND OPERATIONS 12 The Trust continues to deliver on its commitment to provide and transform outstanding facilities for our children, to ensure that every pupil is provided with a learning environment that is stimulating for them. The Trust’s Estates and Operations Management Team invest much time and effort securing grants and external funding to tackle issues that have gone a long way to ensuring that our schools are great environments for learning, both for our children and staff. Many improvements to our buildings continued this year and these were largely funded following bids to the DfE’s Condition Improvement Fund (CIF). Our CIF building projects included completing the replacement of the large roof areas and an electrical rewiring project at North Beckton Primary School. Other smaller projects were undertaken at the other schools to improve playgrounds and SEND facilities for our children. We have future projects planned for the replacement of boilers at some of our schools to address condition and sustainability issues. Health and Safety and Risk Management The Trust works closely with an external consultant who supports us with the management of Health & Safety across our sites. Our annual general risk assessments have shown continuous improvements which highlights TTLT’s commitment to ensuring the safety of our staff and children at every school. This is coupled with having robust risk management procedures in place that ensure we are continually assessing risk, both internally at school and at Trust level, as well as reviewing external factors that might impact on our schools. £17.5K (CIF Funding) North Beckton Boiler Replacement £22.5K North Beckton Kitchen Water Heater Replacement £32.5K Kensington Playground Astro Turf and Climbing £85K Kensington School House refurbishment £56K (DfE Crime Resilience Funding) Ranelagh Primary School Security £14K Curwen Primary School Security improvements TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 12 30/01/2025 18:33

Finance Summary An extremely challenging year saw the Trust navigate through and overcome a range of difficult and demanding situations mainly due to the continued lack of core funding not matching the needs of our pupils. Together with falling rolls, which is a trend across the local geographic area, this year was a transition year where we had to make some tough decisions across the board. With this in mind, and the ever growing pressures on budgets, we are happy to report another successful year for the Trust which saw us achieving our operational targets and outcomes whilst providing our children with an amazing education in a thriving environment. With a net in year pressure of just under £600k, which was monitored and reported to the Trustees on a regular basis reflects the challenging year that the Trust has had. Funding for schools is predominantly received from the DfE/ESFA (Department for Education/Employment and Skills Funding Agency) as restricted funds. Other funding is from the Local Authority, and the remaining income is a combination of smaller grants and trading income. FUNDING INCOME As is usual, the largest part of the funding was spent on staff salaries with teacher’s salaries accounting for 50% and support staff 30% respectively. Other expenditure includes wider spend on key areas such as Estates Management, Technology including ICT, Teaching Resources and legislative costs. The Trust has completed building works following successful capital grant bids over the past three years totalling more than a million pounds across all its sites. Over £100k of contributions from the Trust towards these projects has ensured that our estates remain solid and provide a safe environment for our pupils and staff. FINANCIAL OVERVIEW 2023-2024 EXPENDITURE CAPITAL WORKS £15,445,316 ESFA £16,915,380 Sta ng £3,907,099 Local Authority £886,477 Trust generated £640,000 Educational Resources £425,000 Capital Works £2,951,603 Other £15,445,316 ESFA £16,915,380 Sta ng £3,907,099 Local Authority £886,477 Trust generated £640,000 Educational Resources £425,000 Capital Works £2,951,603 Other The total received income in 2023-24 was £20,339,335 Total expenditure was £20,932,230 13 Taz Mansuria CHIEF FINANCE AND HR OFFICER TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 13 30/01/2025 18:34

OUR STAFF We are incredibly lucky to have such a successful and diverse workforce who go above and beyond to ensure the very best outcomes for our children and to support our families. By careful budget planning we are able to provide high levels of resources to meet the needs of our pupils and to support our staff through excellent professional development within our own Training Hub. The Trust also works with many volunteers and offers training which has led many to be successful in obtaining employment in our schools or in other educational settings. 14 The Trust offers its staff: A generous annual leave package for all staff An Occupational Therapy and Employee Assistance Helpline Effective Induction Programmes for all staff A comprehensive ECT Programme Further development at all stages for support staff and teachers I really enjoy working for the Trust, the children are amazing to work with Staff Retention Rate 95% of staff say they are treated fairly and with respect 96% say they are able to access good quality training 95% We would like to thank every single member of staff for their hard work and dedication to our children and communities over the past year. TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 14 30/01/2025 18:34

Together Everyone Achieves More Curwen Primary School, Atlas Road, Plaistow, London, E13 0AG AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS of parents say that their child is happy at school 99% of staff say that they feel supported 99% HIGHLIGHTS Maintaining Ofsted Outstanding in all areas - November 2023 Despite budgetary pressures, we continue to offer a fantastic curriculum with lots of varied opportunities to our children. Children come to school and feel happy, safe and supported. 15 Executive Head Teacher Paul Harris Head of School Kate Mansfield OUR BROAD AND BALANCED CURRICULUM All elements of the curriculum include lots of opportunities for ‘real life’ opportunities, educational visits and visitors in to support and enthuse pupils’ understanding All pupils, including those with SEND, receive a tailored curriculum which is ambitious and well-sequenced Pupils are encouraged to pursue particular interests and Subject Leaders plan varied enrichment activities both in and outside of school BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Sensory room moved to bigger space and completely redeveloped A new dedicated Therapy Room EXTERNAL SUCCESSES Shakespeare Schools Festival at Barking Theatre Festival of Voices at Hackney Empire We hosted Olympic athletes and YST representatives with student leaders supporting peers to take part in a carousel of sporting activities TTLT WRAP AROUND CARE Breakfast Club 7:45-8:45 am 66 after school clubs - 82% of children attended at least one Daily 6 O Clock Club FUNDRAISING London’s Air Ambulance Jeans for Genes Children in Need British Red Cross Emergency Fund British Legion Poppy Appeal Comic Relief Red Nose Day OUR WELL SCHOOLS PROGRAMME A wide variety of extended provision to ensure children have opportunities before, during and after the school day Student Leaders promoted to develop Curwen Core Skills Involving our families through Sports Days and our Family Bike Club A Comprehensive PSHE curriculum to support pupils of children believe they have showed resilience 97% “All staff have high expectations of pupils, who understand how to meet and exceed them.“ School Games Platinum IQM Flagship Status Healthy Schools Gold Youth Sport Trust Gold TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 15 30/01/2025 18:34

PUPIL PARLIAMENT AIMS AND OBJECTIVES FOR 2023-24 To work in partnership across the Trust To gather opinions from all of the children in the Trust To raise money for charities in fun and interesting ways To celebrate working in partnership PUPIL PARLIAMENT AND PUPIL VOICE Our Pupil Parliament is a great team made up of elected pupil leaders from each of our four schools with an elected Chair and Vice Chair who set the agendas and lead meetings. This group of pupils come together regularly to ensure that all children’s voices are heard. 16 4 4 4 4 WHAT WE DID IN 2023-24 We reviewed the new TTLT Aims, Vision and Aims and offered opinions Took part in filming the TTLT Awards with Mr. Harris Worked in partnership with another Trust’s Pupil Parliament - Hearts Academy Worked together on our chosen charities - The Eco-Friendly Trust and London’s Air Ambulance 4 4 4 4 TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 16 30/01/2025 18:34

EXTERNAL SUCCESSES TTLT Basketball Competition Winners Place of Worship Winners TTLT WRAP AROUND CARE Breakfast Club 7:30-8:40am 20 after school clubs Daily 6 O Clock Club BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS Rewiring and lighting programme across the school New boilers COMMUNITY EVENTS & FUNDRAISING London’s Air Ambulance Children in Need Book Fair Comic Relief Red Nose Day MPS Society OUR BROAD AND BALANCED CURRICULUM Much of our learning is done outside Science Week Educational Visits Map Travelling Book Fair OUR WELL SCHOOLS PROGRAMME ‘Time for Curriculum’ weekly lessons Educational Mental Health Sessions North Beckton Cycling Programme Mindfulness after school club Year 6 and SEND Swimming We All Belong HIGHLIGHTS Ofsted Good with Outstanding EYFS - October 2023 IQM Centre of Excellence Relaunch of our PTA and Summer Fair AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS North Beckton Primary School, Harrier Way, Beckton, London, E6 5XG of children say they go on exciting educational visits 93% of staff state they are provided with opportunities to develop their CPD 90% Executive Head Teacher Shella Lawrenson Head of School Bal Kettory 17 of parents say their child is happy at school 98% “This is a school that lives up to its vision: ‘we all belong’“ School Games Platinum Healthy Schools Bronze Youth Sport Trust Gold Computing Quality Mark IQM Flagship Status TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 17 30/01/2025 18:34

American Football Goalball Rowing Archery Golf Rugby League Rugby Union Athletics Gymnastics Badminton Handball Baseball MATP Basketball Table Tennis Canoeing Tennis Cricket Netball Cycling Dance Volleyball Orienteering Dodgeball Wheelchair Basketball Panathlon Football Polybat SPORTS HUB SUCCESS The two main aims of the Sports Hub are: To create opportunities for children to learn, collaborate and compete through school sport To provide high quality support and CPD to empower all staff to deliver outstanding PE lessons 25 14 Competitions/ Festivals Schools participating 2838 pupils taking part Paul Belcher SPORTS HUB DIRECTOR TTLT’s Sports Hub delivers bespoke support ensuring that schools offer high quality Physical Education PE, School Sport SS and Physical Activity PE (PESSPA) lessons. The Sports Hub has capacity for new schools to join, please contact Amazing offer, the profile of competitions are growing so much in our school KAIZEN PRIMARY Thank you Paul for your continued support! GAINSBOROUGH PRIMARY TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 18 30/01/2025 18:34

WORKING IN PARTNERSHIP Forging forces to give children the best start in life The Trust works in partnership with Rebecca Cheetham Nursery offering support in a range of areas such as ICT, H&S, governance and compliance, CPD and SEND. The nursery offers both government funded and flexible paid extended day places to children aged 2, 3 and 4 years old. The accompanying children’s centre offers a range of different activities for families in the community. Preparing children to be ‘Reception Ready’ A broad and balanced curriculum Learning both indoors and outdoors Stay and Play SEND Sessions Forest School During 2023/24 the Trust has also successfully supported other schools in their development and these include schools in the London Borough of Newham, other London boroughs as well as further afield in the East and South East of England. As well as partnering with individual schools, we also work closely with a range of associates including Newham Council, the Department of Education, the Confederation of School Trusts and the Youth Sport Trust. This is a fantastic nursery and children’s centre that has the children and the community at the heart of everything they do. Head Teacher Rohan Allen Rebecca Cheetham Nursery & Children’s Centre, Marcus Street, Stratford, London E15 3JT “Wonderful, engaging activities are on offer in the vibrant indoor and outdoor spaces.“ We have been working with T T LT for several years to support our primary setting in their school improvement journey. This has involved bespoke training to Year Leaders, HT LA’s and also a whole day inset when our primary colleagues visited the Tapscott schools to experience and see best practice in action. The quality and impact of the training is perhaps demonstrated in the improved quality of education – which was recognised by a recent Ofsted inspection. LYN WRIGHT, CEO, SIGMA TRUST 19 TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 19 30/01/2025 18:34

GIVE US YOUR VIEWS, WE LOOK FORWARD TO HEARING FROM YOU... Email Call 020 3108 0326 Visit @TrustTapscott Tapscott Learning Trust tapscott_trust The Tapscott Learning Trust TTLT-Prospectus-2023-24.indd 20 30/01/2025 18:34