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Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week

Children’s Mental Health Week took place between 3rd-7th February this year, and schools across the Tapscott Learning Trust took part.

Children’s Mental Health Week is an event run by the leading mental health charity, Place2Be, who The Tapscott Learning Trust has worked with for more than eight years. The aim of the week is to raise awareness of the importance of supporting children and young people's mental health.

The theme of the event this year was, “Find Your Brave”. A group of Year 5 Ranelagh pupils found their brave in performing a stirring rendition of the poem, “Still I rise,” by Maya Angelou, building their confidence throughout the week from nervousness and uncertainty on Monday, through to confidence and strength by Friday’s special assembly.

Children at Curwen used the text, “It’s OK to be Different,” by Todd Parr to inspire a huge community patchwork art piece depicting a portrait of each child and staff member and celebrating each person’s unique qualities.

North Beckton pupils considered E-Safety and the importance of staying safe online as a key factor in supporting children and young people’s mental health.

Key worker Ruma at Rebecca Cheetham took time to reflect more broadly on mental health in a blog post that you can read here: In her blog,  Ruma explores the links between good physical health and good mental health, as well as opening lines of communication and finding time to talk.

Children at Kensington dressed up as superheroes, depicting personal qualities such as courage, kindness or humour. Zabina Riaz, Emotional Health Lead said, “Our emotional health curriculum has recently launched, which links perfectly with what we are trying to achieve in our school. We believe having good emotional wellbeing is fundamental, particularly considering more children and young people struggle with their mental health today than 30 years ago.”