World Autism Awareness Day goes one step further to celebrate the unique talents of those with autism, while putting a huge focus on the warm embrace and welcome that these skills deserve through community events around the world.
What an ‘eggsceptional’ end to the Spring term. The children were really 'eggsited' about the School Council's annual Easter Egg Hunt,
Children and adults alike enjoyed 'eggsploring' through the school grounds for e
Throughout the week, children at Ranelagh took part in a series of lessons and workshops to raise awareness of autism. They were able to experience some of the different feelings and thoughts a person with autism may have. They also discussed the won
Soft Play Sessions every Monday at Ranelagh Primary School for £2 per session. Our timings are 1:30pm - 2:10pm or 2:15pm - 2:55pm. Bring your child along to our fantastic Play Zone!
To register, please contact Mrs Sheikh on 07738 414 464 or
Kensington's Year 4's have been working hard this half term to perfect their performance of Fantastic Mr Fox. Through communication lessons, they learnt the songs, dance, performing & the skills needed to be a confident performer. It was
Ranelagh School Council organised the troops & asked all children & adults to dress in red for Comic Relief. The council took to the stage & told everyone about the great contribution Comic Relief makes to people around the world and than